Since our establishment is 2012, Collection Property Investments (Pty) Ltd, manages Portfolios to the value of ZAR 170 000 000.00 ($ 11 500 00.00). CPi provides Property- and Investment Management services, tailored to meet each of our clients capabilities and profile. Our objective is to assist clients, with the process as listed below, to both grow, maintain and managing their property portfolios to out perform the benchmark and accumulate wealth.
CPi works for you by using our years experience in the property sector by assisting you every step of the way.
The CPi Investors Process:
As a current or future property investor, CPi invites you to come for a free consultation to determine your current and potential future investment status. Prior to the consultation, you will gain access to our online portal to determine your personal investments profile, which will be evaluated by one of our experienced property investments consultants in detail at your free consultation.
At the consultation our products and services will be presented to you and the advantages we offer to assist you becoming, if not yet, financially independent.